Saturday, September 21, 2013

Ronald Liebowitz


NB:  A month ago or so, I'd sketched a cartoon on Middlebury College, posted it here on the blogsite, sent it on to the student newspaper and parties concerned.  Sadly, though  quite predictably, not one administrator, professor, or student editor responded.  Ever testing the murky waters of democracy on college campuses in America, I gave it a second whirl, this time with the front cover of the latest issue of The American Dissident.   And again, Middlebury College proved hermetically closed to outside criticism.  BTW, I am a Middlebury College alumnus, and am constantly asked to contribute money to that institution, which possesses a poor free-speech record and won't even subscribe to The American Dissident, published by one of its own and for only $20/year. 

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Ted Lowry, Enemy of the First Amendment


My neighborhood library, Sturgis Library, disdains the Bill of Rights; in particular, the First Amendment, which accords citizens the right to exercise Freedom of Expression with impunity. As mentioned in a previous post, I was permanently trespassed (June 2012)without due process or warning  because of my written criticism of library policy and egregious hypocrisy.  Below is Sturgis Library's response to my attempt to interest it in the Bill of Rights day.  The photo depicts library trustee Ted Lowry. 


Subject: Bill of Rights Day
Date: Sun, 25 Aug 2013 12:10:30 -0400

To the Director, Trustees, and Staff, Sturgis Library:
It has been over a year now since your decree to punish my exercise of Freedom of Speech by permanently banning me from visiting your library (i.e., my neighborhood library).  I am requesting a two-hour reprieve so that I may host a Freedom of Speech Day event on September 25th at Sturgis Library.  Surely, you must have some notion, deep within, of the intellectual importance of Freedom of Speech for Western Civilization and America in particular. 
For your information, September 25, 2013, marks 224 years after the passage of the Bill of Rights.  Patriots across America will host events, on that day, and educate the public about how Freedom of Speech is under attack—and what we all can do to protect it.   
You will note that since your decree (and prior to it!), not one of your patrons or staff has been threatened by me.  Recall that public safety was the reason you presented to the trustees regarding your permanent trespass decision. 
Finally, for the sake of basic human honesty, why not adopt a new written policy stipulating that patrons who criticize the library will be permanently trespassed without due process.  At the same time, you should strike out certain policy statements, especially “Libraries should challenge censorship […]” and “should provide materials and information presenting all points of view,” since evidently Sturgis does not. 
You’d asked my neighbor (sarcastically?) how I was doing a couple of months ago.  Well, I am doing quite well, ever decrying injustice, hypocrisy, and left-wing political correctness.  Thank you for your attention and your hopeful approval of my request! 
G. Tod Slone, Ed.
The American Dissident