Watch out! Here come the hagiographies... like a landslide of rhyming feces. When the hack politicians, hack academics, hack literati, and hack newspaper journalists toot their hack horns over a poet, you know damn well that poet was a hack poet, a hack established-order poet of the "beloved" sort. Maya Angelou just croaked, you know the "caged bird" poet who decided to live cocooned as a caged-academic bird and made more money than she could swallow as a Hallmark Greeting-Card Verse Sellout. Anyhow, here's a couple of toons I did in 2004 and 2001... early stuff... on that caged bird. The first one depicts Bill Cosby who dared speak out of PC-party-line format regarding black Americans. The second one depicts Maya as trustee at Bennett College, where I taught in 2001 and 2 or thereabouts and can be found here: