Monday, December 7, 2020

Robby Soave

The following cartoon was sketched in 2016.  I put it up now since it was never posted.  What got me to do that is the recent hagiography on Walter Williams written by the editor of Reason.  See after the cartoon my futile attempt at dialogue.  



To Nick Gillespie, Editor at Large, Reason magazine:  

This email will appear in the next issue of The American Dissident and will serve to hopefully make you think out of the Libertarian box, if possible.  Enough with the blind hagiographies like the one you just wrote on Williams, a lifer academic!  And how sad, Reason does not provide a little space for criticism against its editors.  Now, how can that help reason?  Well, it can't...

Notes on Hack Heroes

Conservative black professor Walter Williams died.  He is dead.  So, now the hack hero worshippers praise the corpse, as if somehow when alive it/he was perfect.  Well, he sure as hell was not!  In essence, how can someone who taught at the same college, George Mason University, for 40 years possibly be perfect?  How many times did Williams turn a blind eye, as he climbed up the academic ladder, at the likely intrinsic corruption at George Mason University, the hand that fed him so royally?  How many times?  We’ll never know, of course.  Williams was a careerist.  Career and truth do not mix well at all... especially in academe.  

In any case, below is a revealing response from Williams regarding the censorship (removal) of my comments posted on Frontpage magazine, run by the conservative David Horowitz Foundation.  Williams was a long-time contributor to it.   See the essay I wrote with that regard  ( and the cartoon I sketched on Williams in 2015 (  If one does not test the waters of democracy, then one does not really know how murky they are.  

Now, might Nick Gillespie be at all interested in the proof I present regarding Williams’ grotesque hypocrisy?  Of course not!  After all, Williams was “A popular syndicated columnist whose work appeared in over a hundred newspapers on a weekly basis, he was a long-time contributor to Reason and served as an emeritus trustee of Reason Foundation, the nonprofit that publishes this website.”  

And that Nick is your achilles heel.  The one you will likely never examine. 

From: George Slone <>

Sent: Tuesday, November 24, 2015 8:19 AM


Subject: Your concern for liberty for your fellow man...

To Walter Williams,

If you are not the person, though I believe you are, who wrote the article on Free Speech in today's FrontPage mag, then ignore this missive.  If you are, however, then you did write:  "Most people want liberty for themselves. I want more than that. I want liberty for me and liberty for my fellow man."

BUT do you really want liberty for your fellow man?  FrontPage mag censored my comment several days ago.  It censored my liberty.  I protested that act of censorship to Horowitz and Tapson, but nobody deigned to respond, proving the right-wing is also into censorship.  If you truly cared about my freedom of speech, you would stand up and send a protest letter to Horowitz.  Why not tell him he ought to follow Jonathan Turley's policy of NOT moderating (i.e., censoring) comments.  Likely, you will not do that.  And that would answer the question about your desire of liberty for your fellow man.  The email and my censored comment figure below.  You will note the absence of threats, prohibited words, etc. in it.  

From: Walter E Williams <>

Sent: Saturday, December 19, 2015 9:09 AM

To: George Slone

Subject: RE: Prof Walter Williams cartooned... 

One’s right to free speech does not impose an obligation that others to provide a forum for him.


Professor Walter E. Williams

George Mason University, Economics

4400 University Dr., MSN 3G4

Fairfax, VA  22030


And so all I managed to get from the professor (i.e., Williams) was a “cheers.”  What a jerk!

Saturday, December 5, 2020

Claire Rudy Foster

Below the cartoon is the email sent by Foster in total outrage over the cartoon I drew on Chen Chen, poet of the establishment, anointed by the establishment as one of "10 Poets Who Will Change the World."  Now, how not to satirize that?!  The email of course inspired me to sketch the cartoon below.  I am well aware that in the very near future, such a cartoon will be prohibited and result in a fine or even incarceration.  And of course in that Brave New World, the Fosters will finally be happy.  


From: Foster <>

Sent: Tuesday, November 17, 2020 5:25 PM

To: <>

Subject: American Dissident


Hi Tod,

It's been brought to my attention that you disseminated a racist cartoon of a friend of mine to my friend and his colleagues at Brandeis. Apparently you are offended by my friend's presence in academia and his recent essay about universality. Your bizarre, groundless comments about "Community Chinese apparatchiks" is racist and vile. You should be ashamed of yourself for pursuing such a low and valueless line of thought. You are quick to tout your PhD, but with actions like these, one wonders how smart you really are.

Your immature little prank is not criticism, satire, or humor. You aren't funny. In addition to being in bad taste, your harassment of my friend calls your intellect into question. You are not a rebel; you represent a vast and disgusting demographic of half-baked, armchair brains who think it's "edgy" to perpetuate xenophobic and homophobic stereotypes. Punching down just to get a reaction is a cheap move: any bully can do it. If that's the only way you know how to get attention, I feel really sorry for you. Maybe if you put that energy into crafting an original thought, you'd come up with something worthwhile? 

I am glad that my friend has taken steps to protect himself. I am not a member of the academic establishment, nor do I have a reputation to preserve, so I feel fine telling you to go fuck yourself.

Go fuck yourself.

