Thursday, December 21, 2017

Gary Trudeau

The cartoon below was sketched in early 2015.  A recent article, "The Comic Strip’s Heyday in ‘Cartoon County," written in the New York Times by hack cartoonist Gary Trudeau, provoked the posting.  For me Trudeau is famous not for his Doonesbury inanity comicstrip, but rather for his apologizing for the Muslim murderers of the Charlie Hebdo massacre in 2015, which is why Long Island University ought to be ashamed for giving him an award.  According to Trudeau, "Newspaper comics are regarded as a kind of public utility—a reliable, 365-days-a-year source of light entertainment."  So, we have cooptation of poetry... and we also have cooptation of comics.  Bravo to the facilitators like Trudeau...

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