Friday, January 24, 2020

Greta Anderson

A Brief Critique of an Inside Higher Ed 
Announcement Hit-Piece

The problem with “Charles Murray to Return to Middlebury College” is clearly the bias of the writer, Greta Anderson.  "Controversial" writer, as she labels—essentially disses—Charles Murray is clearly a subjective term.  Shouldn’t an announcement be objective, as opposed to pushing the left-wing narrative?  Clearly, Murray is NOT "controversial" to the group inviting him.  How does Anderson write "widely condemned by social scientists" wi/o presenting an iota of proof to back that negative criticism?  Moreover, might the bulk of those scientists be “left-wing globalists,” a denigrating term that might be used by right-wingers?  How can Anderson evoke the Southern Poverty Law Center w/o mention of the group’s extreme left-wing bias, as well as its other recent problems?  Moreover, the SPLC’s "white nationalist" kill-the-messenger slur has become so overused today by “left-wing Stalinists” and “black nationalists” that it has become essentially meaningless, just like the term "nazi."  Indeed, dismiss me as a "white nationalist" because I criticized Anderson's "controversial, Stasi-like" write-up.  BTW, I am a Middlebury alumnus.  Think!  Get out of the groupthink box!  
G. Tod Slone, Ed.

The American Dissident

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