Sunday, August 7, 2022

Larry Brown Cape Cod Times

The following cartoon and counter-essay were not permitted in the pages of the Cape Cod Times.


White Bad, Black Good

First, the term “liberal” ought to imply real belief in free speech, vigorous debate, and equality.   Unfortunately, today, the term “liberal” has come to mean left-wing Democrat-Party partisanship against free speech, vigorous debate, and equality.  True liberalism has been replaced by the faux-liberalism of diversity, inclusion, and equity, Orwellian code for unity of thought, exclusion of unwanted ideas, and racial inequality of opportunity.  Thus, the term left-wing ought to be separated from, not equated with, the term “liberal.”  Second, differences, including height, attractiveness, sex, intellectual capacity, physical strength, skin color, wealth, etc., actually do exist… and to judge is natural… but to stereotype on the basis of any of those differences inevitably defies reality.  Humans do have the capacity to weigh their judgments in accord with reality.  Sadly, many do not do that.  

Critical Race Theory teaches the white bad/black good (victim) stereotype falsity, which supports the adoption of double-standards falsity, including all whites are racists, while all blacks are not.  Falsity only ends up harming those who propagate it, who do so in an effort to somehow protect and empower.  Columnist Larry Brown and his Cape Cod Times have evidently embraced, rather than question and challenge, falsities pushed by CRT.  

Brown’s column, “I’m not racist, but …,” begs to be critically examined.  But those like Brown and the Times are opposed to questioning and challenging of their left-wing—not liberal—narrative.  The Times over the past decade, for example, has absolutely refused to publish anything I’ve sent it, including an account of my being permanently banned without warning or due process from my neighborhood library, Sturgis Library, for merely questioning and challenging the de facto policies adopted by its library director, Lucy Loomis, which, in particular, contradict its written policy that “libraries should provide materials and information presenting all points of view.”  For the Times, I illustrate “wrong think” and thus simply do not exist.

And so Brown begins his column by admitting to his white privilege, though doesn’t quite put it that way: “When I was a boy, we had Black maids come in once a week to help my mother.”  Well, when I was a boy, my family never had maids, black or white.  And indeed, white maids do exist, though perhaps not in Brown’s fantasy world.  Evoking that fact clearly is harmful to his left-wing narrative.  Now, I wonder how many maids the Obamas have on the Vineyard.  Are they white or black or both?  To pose that question could, however, be damaging to the stereotype adopted by Brown and the Times.  

It is intellectually belittling for Brown to evoke one convenient example of his white mother sending a get-well card to one of her black maids, who purportedly stated that to be “the only deliberate act of kindness she had experienced from a white person in her whole life.”  In other words, white bad/black good.  Now, as mentioned, when I was a boy, my family never had maids.  But to state that would be an affront to the white-privilege stereotype, espoused by Brown.  Just the same, I wonder what the three black youths might have said to each other after they beat and robbed me in Baton Rouge one morning.  The only deliberate act of kindness they’d experienced from a white person in their whole lives?  After all, they went on a shopping spree with the credit card they stole from me.  Brown states regarding the maid:  “Think for a moment what that means. Minorities tell us all the time that they experience life in America differently.”  Evidently, my experience contradicts Brown’s stereotype.  In essence, one example (one experience) should never be used to stereotype entire races.  How can Brown, a Cape Cod Academy humanities teacher, not comprehend that?  Well, I certainly made sure my experience didn’t; sadly, Brown made sure his did.

“There’s more than one kind of racist,” argues Brown.  Yes, there are black racists and white racists.  Ah, but he does not state it that way at all.  After all, he has been indoctrinated that blacks cannot be/are not racists.  Imagine if the Times had published an op-ed on black racists.  Pipe-dream?  You bet!  Brown argues that “Class One racists react viscerally to people of color, often to gays, mixed-race couples, mixed-race ads on TV.”  What I am against is the undemocratic (authoritarian) social engineering effected behind the scenes by societal elites.  Clearly, “mixed-race ads” form an integral part of such social engineering, which seeks in the long run to terminate nations by mixing populations via population importations and to eliminate, in a racist endeavor, the white race (consider the “tanning of America” ideology as propagated, for example, by Tracey Ross in The Root blog on Washington Post).  Brown argues without an iota of proof of assertion:  “They’re angry when issues of slavery are taught in school, ‘dragging our country through the mud’.”  Well, I’m angry because in general the truth, the whole truth regarding slavery is rarely if ever taught in government schools (see, for example, “1620: A Critical Response to the 1619 Project").  

Sadly, Brown’s entire piece is one-sided.  Whites are racist, while there is no mention of racist blacks.  White supremacy is mentioned, while black supremacy (e.g., Black Panthers and Nation of Islam) is not mentioned.  Brown argues, “It’s precisely the failure to recognize the harm in supremist [sic] thinking that the left wants to address.”  The reality, however, is highly political, which is why the left actually wants to promote a sort of POC supremacy aka CRT, which will increase its political power… or so it hopes.  

Brown argues that “A humane and law-abiding society should want to isolate and contain its most violent members.”  Well, we agree on that point, but is it not the left-wingers, who chose to do  nothing regarding the violent Antifa/BLM rioters?  In fact, did they not seek to release more such violent persons from the nation’s jails, as well as eliminate bail requisites and permit many of those arrested to walk free?  

Brown’s left good/right bad essay concludes:  “After half a century, liberals have failed to shame racists out of their racism.  We have to argue them out of it with the love and faith decency demands.”  And yet “love and faith” are certainly NOT what the left-wing has been pushing, but rather anti-white racist hatred, reparations, severe school indoctrination, and Marxist ideology.  Sadly, in America today truth is not rewarded, whereas ideological adherence is rewarded…


NB:  Brown’s email address is not available on the Times’ website or on that of Cape Cod Academy.  Cocoon buffered!


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