A Forum for Vigorous Debate, Cornerstone of Democracy

[For the journal--guidelines, focus, etc.--go to www.theamericandissident.org. If you have questions, please contact me at todslone@hotmail.com. Comments are NOT moderated (i.e., CENSORED)!]
Encouraged censorship and self-censorship seem to have become popular in America today. Those who censor others, not just self, tend to favor the term "moderate," as opposed to "censor" and "moderation" to "censorship." But that doesn't change what they do. They still act as Little Caesars or Big Brother protectors of the thin-skinned. Democracy, however, demands a tough populace, not so easily offended. On this blog, and to buck the trend of censorship, banning, and ostracizing, comments are NEVER "moderated." Rarely (almost NEVER) do the targets of these blog entries respond in an effort to defend themselves with cogent counter-argumentation. This blog is testimony to how little academics, poets, critics, newspaper editors, cartoonists, political hacks, cultural council apparatchiks, librarians et al appreciate VIGOROUS DEBATE, cornerstone of democracy. Clearly, far too many of them could likely prosper just fine in places like communist China and Cuba or Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Russia, not to mention Sweden, England, and Austria.

More P. Maudit cartoons (and essays) at Global Free Press: http://www.globalfreepress.org

Friday, November 29, 2019

Daniel Barrett

My cartoons are almost always inspired by direct quotes that I find absurd, downright stupid, lacking in reality, fact and/or reason.  Thus, the words in the cartoons are inevitably direct quotes.   Always I'll send my cartoons directly to the individuals depicted in them.  Rarely, do any of the latter ever respond, let alone point out precisely where the lie, mischaracterization, absence of logic, or whatever.  Rarely, do  any of those depicted respond and otherwise manifest a real appreciation for vigorous debate, cornerstone of a THRIVING democracy.  When I depict a professor in a cartoon, I'll send it to the editors of the student newspaper of the college or university employing the depicted professor.  Sadly, rarely, do they ever  respond... and they are the future of journalism.   Below are two emails pertinent to the above cartoon.  NO RESPONSE was ever received...

From: George Slone
Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2019 5:20 PM
To: barrettd@wcsu.edu
Subject: Notes on the NEED in Academe for Professors with CMs (Curriculum Mortae)

To Professor Daniel Barrett, Department of Psychology Western Connecticut State University:
If indeed, you really wanted to stop being so privileged, why not, instead of continuing to build your CV, try building a CM (Curriculum Mortae).  For my academic CM, examine http://theamericandissident.org/g_tod_slone_curriculum_mortae.html.  

Ideologues lack reason.  That is your fundamental problem, certainly not white privilege.  Now, how about getting your university to subscribe to The American Dissident, so students might be able to read "challenging" emails (and essays, poems, cartoons) like this one.  

From: George Slone
Sent: Wednesday, October 16, 2019 8:18 AM
To: echo@wcsu.edu
Cc: barrettd@wcsu.edu
Subject: A new P. Maudit cartoon depicting Professor Daniel Barrett

To President and Editor-in-Chief, Social Media Manager, Professional Writing Major with a Focus on Journalism and Public Relations Ryan Yursha, Western Connecticut State University:  

Just what the nation needs, yet another “professional writer” concerned with “public relations”!  Anyhow, might there be one—just one—Echo staff member with an independent mind, not yet under the yoke of acceptable ideology, and concerned with TRUTH? 

Attached is a cartoon depicting one of your black-good/white-bad professor ideologues, Daniel Barrett.  Please do publish it in the Echo… and let me know of your decision.  It will appear in the next issue of The American Dissident.  Fear not, your library is not a subscriber.  Barrett did not respond to my email sent a few months ago.  Evidently, he does not believe in VIGOROUS DEBATE, cornerstone of a thriving democracy.  Do you?

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