A Forum for Vigorous Debate, Cornerstone of Democracy

[For the journal--guidelines, focus, etc.--go to www.theamericandissident.org. If you have questions, please contact me at todslone@hotmail.com. Comments are NOT moderated (i.e., CENSORED)!]
Encouraged censorship and self-censorship seem to have become popular in America today. Those who censor others, not just self, tend to favor the term "moderate," as opposed to "censor" and "moderation" to "censorship." But that doesn't change what they do. They still act as Little Caesars or Big Brother protectors of the thin-skinned. Democracy, however, demands a tough populace, not so easily offended. On this blog, and to buck the trend of censorship, banning, and ostracizing, comments are NEVER "moderated." Rarely (almost NEVER) do the targets of these blog entries respond in an effort to defend themselves with cogent counter-argumentation. This blog is testimony to how little academics, poets, critics, newspaper editors, cartoonists, political hacks, cultural council apparatchiks, librarians et al appreciate VIGOROUS DEBATE, cornerstone of democracy. Clearly, far too many of them could likely prosper just fine in places like communist China and Cuba or Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Russia, not to mention Sweden, England, and Austria.

More P. Maudit cartoons (and essays) at Global Free Press: http://www.globalfreepress.org

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Anita Walker

Open Letter to Anita Walker,
Executive Director, Massachusetts Cultural Council
Currently I am working on the new front cover illustration for The American Dissident, a 501 c3 nonprofit journal devoted to literature, democracy, and dissidence. I have a photo of you, O’Leary and others handing a check to Lucy Loomis, director of Sturgis Library in Barnstable. Since you will be depicted naked with Loomis and O’Leary on the front cover (“The Little Emperors Have No Clothes”), I wanted to give you a chance to respond prior to my completion of the illustration. My complaint regarding Loomis and Sturgis Library is quite simple.  

The library’s own policy stipulates “Libraries should challenge censorship […].” Yet Sturgis not only banned my flyers, but also permanently banned me from its premises on June 19th without due process or even warning. Why? Well, I’d had the audacity to WRITE criticism regarding Loomis’ egregious hypocrisy vis-a-vis that written library policy. No threats, four-letter words, or sexual innuendos were made in my WRITTEN comments. Mind-boggling? You bet!

My question to you is quite simple: Why would you wish to support such a fascistic director and institution with taxpayer monies?

Finally, it is sad that the MCC refuses to help support The American Dissident, a unique literary journal that actually dares criticize cultural institutions… like the MCC itself. In fact, I no longer apply for local MCC grants. Why bother when state culture tends to be defined as politically-correct, anodyne smiley-faced?

Surprise me with a response. Surprise me that you are not so entangled in politics that you can actually think with clarity. If I do not hear from you, this letter will appear in the issue. Thank you for your attenion. 
Walker is depicted above in the watercolor as a state toadie wearing a crown.


sdave1 said...

G. Tod-do you think Al Jezeera who purchased Current from Al Gore, should be able to broadcast here in the US, or do you think they should be censured?

sdave1 said...

I find quite often that people who champion free speech are really advocating their own free speech but want to stifle others. For example conservative Michael Savage made a big fuss about him being banned in England for being anti-muslim. But then when Cindy Sheehan, whose son was killed in Iraq, wore an anti-war T-shirt to a congressional meeting he branded her a traitor and said she should be put in a Sedition camp. He also said that about other protestors.

So i ask you again should Al-Jezeera be censured???

G. Tod Slone said...

Please only comment on the blog in question. Otherwise, send an email. Merci vieux con.

sdave1 said...

George my response has everything to do with this blog. You raised the issue of censorship in the library, and that being said I'm raising the issue of censorship in broadcasting. I've also asked you for your position in al-jezeera several times via email and you've refused to answer. Anyway I thought you were all about speaking the rude truth and the importance of vigorous debate, apparently not. Of course if you don't want me on your blog you can censure me, which proves my point that the people who yell the loudest about free speech wind up being it biggest opponent.

G. Tod Slone said...

You're just getting boring... a PC Obama worshipper. I am against censorship. I've always said that. I've never censored anyone on this site. Your letter will be in the next issue of The AD to illustrate the mindlessness of Obama worshippers. You asked me to put it in. We enter an age where enemies of freedom like Al-Jazeera of the Muslim Brotherhood are infiltrating everything thanks to huge amounts of OIL money. There exists today a complicated point for multiculturalists like Obama and so many academics: how to deal with cultures like Islam that are undeniable enemies of multiculturalism itself? So far, multiculturalists have embraced Islam, which seeks to eventually destroy them. It is ironical. What they like to do is present to people like you ISLAM LIGHT. I am against nevertheless censoring Al Jazeera, the Muslim Brotherhood, CAIR, and other enemies of freedom. As the old adage goes, and Obama could learn from it, the answer to hate speech is not criminalization and censorship, but rather more speech. As for the library, if you had been banned, I would have written a letter to the library director in protest. That's the difference between you and me. You instead diminish my struggle against that egregious incident of censorship. Dave, you have NOT been censored from this blog and will NEVER be censored from it. How the hell does that prove your point? I doubt you'll be able to fathom what I've written here. It was thus written for the record, not really for you.

sdave1 said...


sdave1 said...

george- Big Oil money? Anybody who buys a gallon of gas is supporting big oil.
Muslim Brotherhood infiltration? You're sounding more and more like just a conspiracy pusher. Conspiracy pushers are the most boring, yakking on and on about Elvis faked his death, there was no holocaust, even an Obama worshipper like me poohs, poohs the conspiracy theory that W bush and company were the ones that arranged for the planes to be flown into the trade center.

And though you didn't censor me you discourged me posting on the blog. Also it took you a month to respond to a simple question, Should Al-Jezeera be censured? Now your giving me a very political dodge the question response, involving multi-culturalism and big oil and Obama and the muslimbrotherhood, wtf George answer the question, should Al-Jezeera be censured?? Your not a lawyer are you.?

G. Tod Slone said...

It’s amazing, at least to me, how you manage to kneejerk dismiss any criticism of Obama and the Democrat Party machine. You also kneejerk excuse or rationalize any wrongdoing on their part. How did you get so blind partisan, Dave?
There is no conspiracy regarding Muslim Brotherhood infiltration! Try this: http://europenews.dk/en/node/63189. But you won’t. You’re not interested in anything that might damage The Leader and his lame Islam is a religion of peace narrative.
And again, you demonize! That seems to be your only weapon against logic and fact. Demonize him as a conspiracy-monger! Give me a break!
LOL! Oh my, I discouraged you from posting! But you are unable to focus. I discouraged you from posting irrelevant comments to the post in question. There’s a big difference!
As for Al Jazeera, it should NOT be censored! BUT it should be hammered when it censors. Now, can we finally get off of your Al Jazeera infatuation?

sdave1 said...

George-I'm not Al-Jeezera infatuated, I've just never seen it and i'm curious to have a different perspective. A lot of right wingers thought it should be censored, like Rush, hannity, michael savage etc. who claim they believe in freedom of speech, i guess their afraid of the Muslim Brotherhood infiltration, but hopefully I can watch Al-Jezeera and not become indoctrinated into the Muslim Brotherhood and ready to strap on a suicide vest.

I didn't even bring up Obama, you did.

G. Tod Slone said...

Well, if the Obama machine has been able to indoctrinate you, perhaps the Muslim Brotherhood won't have too difficult a time doing the same. Then you can not only demonize right-wingers, but also Kuffars and apostates like me. Left-wingers, btw, since you're unaware have been censoring and restricting free speech right and left on public college campuses across the nation. Wake up!!! Obama aka the Leader is all part of this discussion. For once, I'd like to see a Democrat party leader, who blablabla's about the poor, throw away the tuxedo, refuse the high life of expensive free public luncheons and dinners, donate the huge public salary to the poor, etc., etc. In other words, Obama is as far removed from the poor as it gets. He might have black skin, but he lives like the wealthiest one percenter white demons, though always talkin the talk, never walkin the walk.

sdave1 said...

well george you've been indoctrinated by rush and Fox News so were even. yes obama should wear sneakers and jeans to all his presidental functions and eat at Jack in the Box to show he's down with poor folks, of course the guy you voted for Mitt Romney now there's guy who was trying to help poor folks.

G. Tod Slone said...

The Repubs are certainly nowhere as hypocritical when it comes to the poor. Repubs do not hide that they want big business to succeed, whereas you get multimillionaire onepercenters like Clinton, Teddy K, and Gore talk against big business, while sucking in big business dollars. In fact, most Dems in power are onepercenters. That's the fuckin irony that you cannot fathom. They live a life of luxury just like the Repubs in power. But that's fine with you. I did NOT vote for Romney. I voted AGAINST your messiah, you know, Mr. Transparency aka the Liar in Chief. Hey, no more Al-Jazeera? Wow. Thanks.

G. Tod Slone said...

And what a grotesque sham today, that lying Hillary, expressing such indignation! But the spineless Repubs in the Senate just let her get away with it. Ain't no way I'm on their side! And America's most beloved woman is Hillary. That says alot about the willful blindness of citizens... like you. I'm working on a cartoon of her now. You'll love it!

sdave1 said...

george sorry i just can't get all exicted about benghazi i saw a clip of hillary telling some senator something to the effect who gives a shit, i mean lets say if was orchestracted or spontaneous? its hair splitting to me,

to me the bigger issue is why does America even have or need embassies? there sitting targets for radicals in hostile countries, Bengazi isn't the first embassy to get overrun or bombed is it?

sdave1 said...

george-you voted for Romney whose as big a liar as there is, he made his money at Bain by getting them to borrow big bucks, lay of the workers, then he'd pocket the money and sell the company where they were saddled with debt, when he was govener of liberal mass. he was pro-choice then he became a self-righteously abortion is murder. he lied about everything, you voted for him, i voted to stop him.

G. Tod Slone said...

You Dave are a Democrat-party partisan. I am not a partisan of any party. That is the big difference between you and I. You voted for Clinton and Carter. I did not. I did not vote for Reagan or Bush. The problem with partisans is that they cannot see when their leaders lie. Blindness is their and your problem, not mine.
As for Hillary, she’s just another slick weasel of a politico… one of the best! Again, you miss the point RE Benghazi, as did most of the lame Republicans grilling Clinton: the free speech issue. Today there’s a guy in jail thanks to Hillary and Obama. Yes, they found his message reprehensible and anti-Muslim Brotherhood. But that was the guy’s right. It disgusts me when I hear the two of them decide what speech is bad for all Americans. That truly enrages me.
Ah, so now, Dave, you’re a Rand Paul supporter! ? No need for embassies, no need for troops abroad! Well, I can perhaps agree with you on that one.
You voted for the Liar in Chief. I did not.

G. Tod Slone said...

BTW, what is your take RE Obama and the Fort Hood massacre? O insisted the massacre had nothing to do with Islam. Why did the report on the massacre not even mention the Sharia/Islamist motivation of the murderer.
In fact, I'd love to ask you what Obama has done that is not good and without any mention of Bush or the Republican Party, which you always tend to fall back on to rationalize the bad.

sdave1 said...

george your the one who keeps bringing up obama not me, can you show me some evidence where obama or hillary clinton had the man with the video arrested? and can you show me any evidence on obama's stance on the Fort Hood Massacre.

You've made the birther claim altough their is no evdience just speculation by quacks. i don't buy your conspricy theory that Obama is trying to convert or indoctrinate Americans to Islam,

You voted for Mitt Romney but you can't even bring yourself to admit it, I don't blame you.

G. Tod Slone said...

It is NOT my job to educate and inform you. Leftists are not even concealing the facts for which you want me to hunt. Just google Fort Hood workplace violence. Google Hillary and Nakoula or Hillary and anti-muslim video. You'll find tons of stuff. It seems that you're implying that you would be against both the work-place violence call and arrest of the video producer. Yet that would alter your vision of those two dubious heroes of yours. Why don't you even know that Obama has been siding with the jihadist Muslim Brotherhood? Why is he sending those warplanes to Egypt, which has proclaimed America its enemy in accord with Sharia Law? That's an insanity. Obama does not see Islam as a threat. After all, he was brought up as a Muslim. That is his great blind spot. It is the left's blind spot. For how can multiculti possibly co-exist with a culture that hates multiculti? That is the left's insanity, not mine. What is happening in Europe today is proving the point. Imagine in London, vigilante Islamists are telling British women to put on more clothing! But you won't be able to. Your mind is stopped up. Hell, you voted for Obama twice!!! And that's why you cannot focus on my discourse. NEVER did I state O is trying to convert Americans to Islam. Never! How can you possibly make any statement about the Arpile investigation without even having examined any of the evidence. You are really behaving as a blind partisan... just what the left-wing loves!
Yes, I voted for the demon Romney! Rather that demon than the messiah. But again, it was not Romney who got me to vote. It was the lying Obama. Why can't you understand that? I would have voted Green Party, but that wouldn't have served as a vote against Obama. Every president lies! You voted twice for a liar! What's wrong with you? Ah, just a simple case of leftist indoctrination. I have an independent. You do not!

sdave1 said...

George i never implied i was for the arrest of the video producer, i just asked you proof that obama or hillary demanded he be put in jail.

i just don't buy you whole Muslim Brotherhood conspiracy, the people of egypt and libya felt oppressed by Mubarek and Khaddari and overthrew them, Obama provided some assistance to the rebels in Egypt who were being crushed by khaddafi the way the Syrian government is destroying the rebels there.

How can obama be siding with Muslims when he's killing Muslim terrorists in Afganistan with drones which the left, his base is criticizing him. and the right get tired to him boasting about taking out Bin-Laden. Another thing the left criticizes him about is all the incarcarated Muslims in Guantanamo.

your a conspiracy theorist, theres a lot of those.

Timothy Bearly said...

To whom it may concern.


G. Tod Slone said...

It's not a conspiracy. It's a reality. The Muslim Brotherhood itself has made it clear that it seeks to spread Sharia in America. There is no secret that Hillary is/was firmly working on the Istanbul Process. Just google it. Hillary (and I think Obama) made statements against the video and in those statements swore they'd have the producer arrested. Hillary personally told... well, I've already mentioned it.
Egypt is run by the Muslim Brotherhood and O has sent it jet fighters. Well, check out EuropeNews. That's a great site for things Islam. BUT if you insist on remaining ignorant regarding the Brotherhood, that's your choice. Look at what's already happening in Dearborn, MI.